Fun Stuff
Artist Statement Palm Beach County is at once legendary and luxurious. In this acrylic painting created for MOSAIC 2023, I pay tribute to my native home. This journey across musical, dance, and art culture drifts along with iconic botanical elements - a blooming hibiscus, swaying palm trees, and the pointed petals of a bird-of-paradise flower. Lightly colored MOSAIC pieces swirl and fill the sky to unify the elements below. The magnificent peacock presides in the center.
Poster signing party October 23rd at 5PM. Poster Signing Party at WineO located at La Concha Hotel, 430 Duval St. Key West, FL
Combining my talents of painting and design. I won the 2018 Deerfield Poster Art Contest. Won $1000 dollar snap d free booth at the event Jan 27-28th 2018
I used fruit and vegetables to build my snowman. It was printed on a Holiday paper with multi level emboss.
Combining my talents of painting and design.
Won over 60 entries
Combining my talents of painting and design. I won the 2010 Dog Fest Poster Art Contest using pet portraits that I have painted.